Monday, April 23, 2012

So much to do, so little time....I think

 Any prayers that were lifted up for our church situation were dearly appreciated. For now, things seem to be resolved. There are some hurt feeling, but we all must keep in mind hat are real purpose is- glorifying God and reaching out to the lost. It's a young church, we are all growing, and we will see where God leads us.
 All three of the SoulFull babies, spontaneously, showed up 2 weeks early. I thought from early on that there was no way that it could possibly work out that way a fourth time....but I am starting to think that it just might. Everything seems to be progressing like it did with my other babies, and so...we will see. I am interested to see where my Mama's intuition will be right o target and where it will be off-base. For the record, I am guessing a Boy, the first week of May ( I'd love the 1st...but I am think thinking something like the 2nd or 4th) ad just hovering around 8 lbs, just over or just under by a couple of ounces. I am due May 17th and have bee told the baby is in the 96th percentile for growth......again...we'll see.....
With the house (mostly) clean, and things (mostly) organized, and the farm work (mostly) up to date right now, I feel like I am ready. Of course there are many other things that I would still like to have time to finish, but....we shall see.
 The biggest problem are not the things that I have had on my to-do list, but new things that have cropped up. We have been babysitting Grandma SoulFull's cat for the last few months. We are not indoor pet people, but he is not too bad to have around, and of course the kids love him. However, this weekend The Boy showed me some bites on his stomach....something that looked eerily like flea bites. The, while I was out and about on Saturday, Mr. SoulFull found one of the foul beasts. The cat has been sleeping with The Boy, a arrangement we knew we would be changing once Captain Seahorse arrived anyway. I want to start working on teaching baby to sleep away from me a little sooner than I did with the BumbleTot. We will still have the hammock in our room, but I was hoping to put the little one down in the crib, and boy or girl, The Boy's room is the only room with enough space, for now, to accommodate the crib.
Now I am torn between the worst of two worlds- nasty bugs or nasty poison. I am *hoping* that just maybe, the bugs ad the bites were both acquired outside ad tracked in by the humans, and we don't actually have a animal-induced invasion. But what if we do?!?!?! I can't bring a baby into a house where he or she might get eaten by fleas....and I am equally terrified of spraying poison in my house. I was thinking that tea tree oil might keep them off...but what if they are already living in here...what do I do then?
So with (hopefully...maybe) less than two weeks to go ( and I could be totally fine with The Little Captain coming later...I just wouldn't know what to do with pregnancy past 38 weeks)....I have to figure out how to get rid of this itchy little problem.....ideas?


  1. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum and washing all bedding, stuffed animals, etc. is the best natural way to get rid of them. Then you just prevent them from coming back with tea tree oil.

  2. Thank you. I was thinking something along these lines. It's just so sad...because I had already finished that washing everything in the house stage of nesting :D
    We managed to avoid the lice epidemic at the school when we were there...and I amthinking it was the tea tree oil ( diluted with plain old water) that I ould spray on the kids and rub on my scalp/tousle through. Gee...what timing though, right ?
