Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Busy days

I know that some day I will look back and long for these days. I love being with my children. I love having a day like yesterday where it seems that we defeated some of our homeschooling challenges. I do not love feeling like I only have enough time to get he basics done ( as in basically keeping the house from being a disaster...), especially when there is so much to do.I know that it will be both easier and more difficult, in turns, with the Little Captain Seahorse here. On one hand....I can bend over....on another hand, I will need more breaks to accommodate my little friend's appetite :) It's all a season though, right? we just need to be patient and realize that someday......someday, making sure that someone did their best work with their handwriting, while the laundry gets put away....will be the sweet, simple kinds of concerns that we miss.

Tomorrow, we have an elderly missionary couple coming to stay for the evening. They are lovely, lovely people, and I felt so blessed to meet them last year. She was a missionaries child also and taken to a POW camp during WWII. It just so happened that we were studying the missionary Hudson Taylor when they came to visit...and she had been in the Hudson Taylor missionary children's school in China when she was taken by the Japanese. Her story is amazing and touching, and what an incredible blessing for my children to get to hear this bit of history !!! Not just history, but history that glorifies our great God. I have a recording of her story, and I may ask her permission and see if Mr. SoulFull will put it up here for me.
 Mr. SoulFull has been keeping regular correspondence with the gentleman, and when it turned out they would be making a trip through these parts, he asked about staying for a night. I am learning not to be prideful about how I keep my home ( or my bedroom). I know that these sweet humble people don't care if we have a guest bedroom just for them, or gourmet food to serve, but I do want them to be comfortable and worry that our bedroom is not ideal for them. I am off to get the chores done....wish me luck ;D

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