Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Nesting and Homeschooling

 When BumbleTot was gestating, The Boy and I were going through a kindergarten curriculum, but only loosely. I knew that my student teaching would be coming up soon, and we also knew that during that time he would go to public school ( a semester). He was not yet kindergarten-aged, based on birth date, by school district standards, so homeschooling was pretty footloose and fancy free.
 This time around, gestating and homeschooling hand in hand, well, I can say that it is a very different story. I am now able to embrace homeschooling wholeheartedly, knowing that there is not some point looming on the horizon in which I won't be able to be our childrens' primary teacher.
It is interesting how the nesting tendencies of pregnancy both work and conflict with homeschooling.
Before heading to my first Non-stress test today, I am spending my work time re-organizing our homeschooling schedule. Part of this is just practical; after a couple of months of school, I can see better ways to organize our time. Part of this is the mind of pregnancy. You know....every.thing.must.be.done.and.organized.andPERFECT.before.this.baby.comes.or.the.sky.might will. fall !!!!!!!!
 I do have the benefit of having us all home together while I am madly trying to perfect every corner of life...but then I also have the disadvantage of that same thing. This probably makes me a bad homeschooling mother, but I must admit to moments when I see other mothers, with homes empty all day, and think how nice it must be to get that free time to get things done without someone coming behind you to UN-do it all as you go   train and teach all the while.
So it seems, it is give and take. A times I need to be teaching, and I have this nesting monster nagging at my brain about towels that need to be organized, walls that need to be painted, etc. Other times, I decide, who cares, and part of our school time consists of working on the garden beds together...it satisfies that nesting beast ( for a moment) and hey...isn't this part of our science curriculum...maybe some diligence training :D
 I wonder what kind of experience other homeschooling moms have had with this. Does nesting feeling even more insane to those of us that also have a school room to feather?

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